giugno 30, 2024

lunedì 1 luglio 2024

  • routine: strength (pulls)
  • Accumulate:
  • 30 strict pull-up
  • (advanced athletes may add load)  
  • E2MoM for twelve minutes
  • 7 overhead squat
  • (barbell starts from the ground)  
  • For time:
  • 27-21-15
  • Knees-to-elbows
  • Hand-release push-up
  • box jump over
  • (50/60 cm box)
  • time cap: 9 minutes
giugno 28, 2024

sabato 29 giugno 2024

  • routine: lats + core  
  • "Daniel"
  • For time:
  • 50 pull-up
  • 400-m run
  • 21 thruster (30/43 kg)
  • 800-m run
  • 21 thruster
  • 400-m run
  • 50 pull-up
  • time cap: 22 minutes
giugno 27, 2024

venerdì 28 giugno 2024

  • routine: rings
  • (kipping muscle-up progression)  
  • 15s work, 30s rest
  • five rounds of:
  • calorie bike
  • american swing
  • (16/24 kg)
  • box jump
  • (50/60 cm)  
  • On a 12-minutes clock:
  • 2-4-6-8…
  • 2-DBs hang-power clean
  • (15/22,5 DBs)
  • 4-8-12-16…
  • strict push-up
giugno 26, 2024

giovedì 27 giugno 2024

  • routine: pull-up technique
  • (kipping / butterfly)  
  • EMoM for ten minutes:
  • odd: 10 u.b. power snatch
  • (30/43 kg)
  • even: 12/10 calories row/ski  
  • 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
  • For time:
  • deadlift
  • (70/100 kg)
  • handstand push-up
  • time cap: 11 minutes
giugno 25, 2024

mercoledì 26 giugno 2024

  • routine: handstand
  • eight rounds, 30s work + 30s rest
  • pattern of:
  • handstand walk or
  • progression drills  
  • every 150s for seven rounds
  • complex for load
  • squat clean
  • front squat
  • split jerk  
  • cash-out
  • 20s work, 10s rest,
  • twelve rounds of:
  • odd: shuttle run
  • (8m out + 8m back)
  • even: ring support hold
giugno 24, 2024

martedì 25 giugno 2024

  • routine: strength (pulls)  
  • EMoM for 12 minutes:
  • 1: 50 double under
  • 2: 15 V-up
  • 3: 12 renegade row  
  • AMRAP 10 minutes
  • 20 one-arm KB overhead lunges
  • (16/24 kg)
  • 2 wall walk
  • 12 toes to bar
  • 2 wall walk
giugno 23, 2024

lunedì 24 giugno 2024

  • routine: strenght (pushes)
  • every 120s for five rounds
  • 1 set max strict handstand push-up  
  • EMoM for 12 minutes
  • power clean
  • 1: 3 reps
  • 2: 2 reps
  • 1: rep
  • same load across each 3-minutes set  
  • for time:
  • 100 burpees to a target
  • time cap: 11 minutes
giugno 21, 2024

sabato 22 giugno 2024

  • routine: lats+core
  • (lat stength for bar muscle-up)  
  • 5 rounds for time:
  • 8 handstand push-up
  • 8 alternating front rack lunges
  • (35/50 kg)
  • 8 push press (35/50 kg)
  • 400-m run
  • time cap: 20 minutes
giugno 20, 2024

venerdì 21 giugno 2024

  • routine: strength
  • (drills for strict
  • ring muscle-up)  
  • For time with a partner:
  • 21 thruster (35/50 kg)
  • 12 rope climb
  • 15 thruster
  • 9 rope climb
  • 9 thruster
  • 6 rope climb
  • split set of thrusters and climbs
  • as needed
  • time cap: 13 minutes
giugno 19, 2024

giovedì 20 giugno 2024

  • routine: handstand  
  • Every 90s, six rounds
  • 1 snatch pull
  • 1 power snatch
  • 1 overhead squat
  • 1 snatch balance
  • 1 squat snatch
  • (work with moderate weight and
  • strict reps)  
  • Every 3:00 for 5 rounds:
  • 40 double-under
  • 15 wall-ball shot (6/9 kg)
  • 12 pull-up
giugno 18, 2024

mercoledì 19 giugno 2024

  • routine: pull-up technique
  • (kipping - butterfly)  
  • Squat Clean:
  • EMoM for 12 minutes
  • 1: 3 reps
  • 2: 2 reps
  • 3: 1 rep  
  • AMRAP in 10 minutes
  • 3-6-9-12…
  • toes to bar
  • 6 kettlebell snatch (3/arm)
giugno 17, 2024

martedì 18 giugno 2024

  • Routine: Strength (pulls)
  • legless rope climb practice
  • ten minutes work for quality  
  • On a 17-minutes clock:
  • 0:00 to 5:00:
  • 21-15-9
  • Deadlift (43/60 kg)
  • 24-18-12
  • Box step-up (50/60 cm)
  • 5:00 to 6:00: rest
  • 6:00 to 11:00:
  • 12-9-6 clean
  • 21-15-9 box jump
  • 11:00 to 12:00: rest
  • 12:00 to 17:00
  • 7-5-3 snatch
  • 12-9-6 burpees box jump-over