luglio 31, 2024

giovedì 1 agosto 2024

  • routine: pull-up technique  
  • E2MoM for 16 minutes
  • odd sets: 400/500m ski or
  • 1000/1200m bike, 450/600m row
  • even sets: rest  
  • AMRAP 7 minutes
  • 12 deadlift (40/60 kg)
  • 6 shuttle run
  • 1 shuttle run is 7m down and 7m back
luglio 30, 2024

mercoledì 31 luglio 2024

  • routine: strength (pulls)  
  • 20s work + 20s rest,
  • Four rounds of
  • 1: renegade row
  • 2: rings L-sit hold
  • 3: superman angel (w. Small plates)
  • 4: hand-to-hand medball V-up  
  • 3 rounds for time:
  • 30 hang power clean (35/50 kg)
  • 30 burpees over the bar
  • time cap: 15 minutes
luglio 29, 2024

martedì 30 luglio 2024

  • routine: lats + core 
  • Back Squat
  • every three minutes
  • 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 
  • For Time:
  • 21-18-15-12-9
  • wall ball shot (6/9 kg)
  • 5-4-3-2-1 rope climb
  • time cap: 8 minutes
luglio 28, 2024

lunedì 29 luglio 2024

  • routine: rings 
  • EMoM for 12 minutes
  • 1: 5 power clean
  • 2: 4 power clean
  • 3: 3 power clean 
  • 6 rounds for time of:
  • 10 one arm devil press (15/22.5 kg DB)
  • 10 box jump (60/75 cm)
  • time cap: 12 minutes
luglio 26, 2024

sabato 27 luglio 2024

  • routine: pull-up technique
  • (kipping - butterfly)  
  • Resident Workout
  • "Run, Mary, run"
  • For time
  • run 500m
  • then, 10 rounds of:
  • 5 handstand push-up
  • 10 one-leg squat
  • 15 pull-up
  • then, 500m run
  • time cap: 25 minutes
  • advanced: <20 minutes
luglio 25, 2024

venerdì 26 luglio 2024

  • routine: strength (pushes)  
  • every two minutes for five rounds
  • snatch pull
  • hang-power snatch
  • hang-squat snatch
  • rest two minutes, then
  • max squat snatch in three minutes*
  • *use 90% of best complex load  
  • Amrap in 7 minutes of:
  • 16 walking lunges
  • 10 hand-release push-up
  • 5 double-dumbbells
  • push-press
  • (15/22,5 kg)
luglio 24, 2024

giovedì 25 luglio 2024

  • routine: rings  
  • nine rounds,
  • 45s work, 45s rest of:
  • 200m run or
  • 200/250m row
  • 150/200m ski
  • 400/500m bike
  • every three rounds rest 90s  
  • for time:
  • 150 double under
  • 18 front squat (35/50 kg)
  • 100 double under
  • 12 thruster
  • 50 double under
  • 6 overhead squat
  • time cap: 11 minutes
luglio 23, 2024

mercoledì 24 luglio 2024

  • routine: strength (pulls)  
  • EMoM 15 minutes
  • 1: 7 power clean
  • 2: 5 power clean
  • 3: 3 power clean  
  • Amrap 8 minutes:
  • 20 burpees to target
  • 20 toes to bar
luglio 22, 2024

Martedì 23/07/2024

  • Routine: Handstand (Free/Handstand walk)
  • “ Morrison”
  • 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
  • Wall ball shot (6/9 kg)
  • box jump (50/60 cm, Step down from the box)
  • Kettlebell swing (16/24 kg)
  • Time cap: 24 minutes
  • Advanced < 20 minutes
luglio 21, 2024

lunedì 22 luglio 2024

  • Routine: lats + core  
  • EmoM for 16 minutes
  • 1: 10 DB bench press
  • 2: 8+8 kickstand squat
  • (use a DB or KB)
  • 3: 15 GHD sit-up
  • (orWeighted fitball sit-up)  
  • 9-7-5 reps for time of:
  • Bar muscle-up
  • Power snatch (40/60 kg)
  • Time cap: 8 minutes
luglio 19, 2024

sabato 20 luglio 2024

  • For time with a partner:
  • Run 1,200 m  
  • then…
  • 16 rounds of:
  • 8 toes-to-bar
  • 8 burpee box jump over (50/60 cm)  
  • then…
  • 50 goblet squat (20/28 kg)
  • time cap: 35 minutes  
  • – Run together.
  • – Split all other work with one person working at a time.
  • – One partner completes a full round of the couplet before switching.
luglio 18, 2024

venerdì 19 luglio 2024

  • routine: rings  
  • Emom 20 minutes
  • 1: 250/200m row
  • (200/170m ski)
  • 2: 50 double under
  • 3: max clean+jerk (40/60 kg)
  • 4: rest